Trovato 1065 libri in totale
Buddhahood Without Meditation
The practice of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection, is the pinnacle of the nine vehicles...
Buddha vivente, Cristo vivente
Buddha e Gesù, due figure cruciali nella storia dell’umanità, hanno lasciato in...
Buddha e la dottrina del buddhismo
In un momento in cui si parla di buddhismo troppo spesso in maniera impropria, questo...
Beyond Mindfulness in Plain English: An Introductory Guide to Deeper States of Meditation
Every meditation tradition explains that there are two aspects to any effective...
Becoming Bodhisattvas: A Guidebook for Compassionate Action
The Way of the Bodhisattva has long been treasured as an indispensable guide to...
Balancing the mind
For centuries, Tibetan Buddhist contemplatives have directly explored consciousness...
Ancient Wisdom: Modern World
At a time and in a culture where science and technology have taken over from religious...
An Introduction to Buddhism (Core Teachings of Dalai Lama)
There is no one more suited to introduce beginners—and remind seasoned...
Amare in consapevolezza
Amare in consapevolezza è il terzo volume della collana di tascabili dedicati alla...
A Plea For The Animals: The Moral, Philosophical, and Evolutionary Imperative to Treat All Beings with Compassion
Every cow just wants to be happy. Every chicken just wants to be free. Every bear,...
Beyond the Self: Conversations between Buddhism and Neuroscience
Converging and diverging views on the mind, the self, consciousness, the unconscious,...
A nous la liberté !
Etre libre : le grand chantier de l existence Comment progresser vers la liberté...
Lamp in the Darkness
When the path ahead is dark, how can we keep from stumbling? How do we make our way...
A force for good
`It is not enough merely to espouse a noble vision, the Dalai Lama tells us - we need...
Come un fulmine che squarcia la notte
"Il disarmo esterno passa per il disarmo interiore. L'unico vero garante della pace si...
Compassion and Emptiness in Early Buddhist Meditation
"This book is the result of rigorous textual scholarship that can be valued not only...
Compassionate Action
"Chatral Rinpoche, the quintessential "hidden yogi," has been a legend in the Himalayan...
Compassione. Ascoltare le grida del mondo
La saggezza e la compassione cui anelate con la più profonda intensità non verranno...
Conosci te stesso
In "Conosci te stesso" il Dalai Lama illustra come allontanarsi da una percezione...
Consapevolezza intuitiva
"Meditazione può significare moltissime cose, è una parola che include ogni tipo di...
Conseils du coeur pour la mort et la fin de vie
Pour le bouddhisme, la mort n'est pas une fin. Comme la vie, la mort n'est que la...
Conserva sempre una mente gioiosa. Gli insegnamenti lojong per risvegliare compassione e coraggio
Gli insegnamenti lojong contenuti in questo libro provengono da un classico tibetano...
Contemplative Science
Science has long treated religion as a set of personal beliefs that have little to do...
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