Trovato 1065 libri in totale
Gli Stadi del Sentiero verso l’Illuminazione
Commentario al "Lam Rim", testo radice di Dagpo Nawang Dragpa
La Ruota delle Armi Taglienti con commentario
Testo radice e commentario dato dal Ven. Lama Thamthog Rinpoche al Centro Studi...
La Corazza della Pazienza
"Tutti desiderano una Pace Universale e la sua base è la pace mentale. Tale pace viene...
Il Sutra del Cuore della saggezza
L'essenza, il culmine della perfezione della saggezza, la Prajna Paramita, è racchiuso...
Lo specchio delle immagini interiori
In questo manuale sono racchiusi alcuni fondamentali insegnamenti dati da Ghesce...
Edizione tascabile del testo radice "Bodhisattvacharyavatara"
Tara, l’arte del potere femminile
In questo libro, scritto da una monaca buddhista occidentale, Tara viene raccontata...
Le Lodi a Tara
Testo delle Lodi a Tara con commentario di Ghesce Jampel Senghe (1979) e Ghesce Tenzin...
Minding Closely: The Four Applications of Mindfulness
Bringing his experience as a monk, scientist, and contemplative, Alan Wallace offers a...
The Hidden Connections: A Science for Sustainable Living
Fritjof Capra, bestselling author of The Tao of Physics and The Web of Life , here...
Essence of the Heart Sutra: The Dalai Lama's Heart of Wisdom Teachings
For more than two thousand years, the Heart Sutra has been part of the daily life of...
Awakening the Kind Heart: How to Meditate on Compassion
Everyone appreciates kindness. A smile, a few friendly words, a show of concern when...
Wholesome Fear: Transforming Your Anxiety About Impermanence and Death
With the right perspective, our anxiety around sickness, old age, and death can be a...
A Heart as Wide as the World
The Buddhist teachings have the power to transform our lives for the better, says...
The Kindness Handbook
A renowned meditation instructor presents an essential guide for practicing kindness...
Tibetan Buddhism and Modern Physics: Toward a Union of Love and Knowledge
Tibetan Buddhism and Modern Physics: Toward a Union of Love and Knowledge addresses...
Choosing Reality
Choosing Reality shows how Buddhist contemplative methods of investigating reality are...
The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra, Volume Three: Yoga Tantra
His Holiness the Dalai Lama illuminates the highly practical and compassionate use of...
The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra, Volume Two: Deity Yoga
His Holiness the Dalai Lama illuminates the highly practical and compassionate use of...
The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra, Volume One: Tantra in Tibet
This is the first book in a series presenting The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra....
Le coeur de la voie: Voir le maître comme un bouddha
" Le yoga du maître est la clef de tous les bonheurs. Sans dévotion au maître, rien...
The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment Vol. 1
The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Lam rim chen mo) is one...
Tantra in Tibet
This edition of Tantra in Tibet consists of three parts published under the auspices...
Il Buddha in Laboratorio. Dialoghi fra il Dalai Lama e la scienza sulla natura della mente
Ventitré voci di esperti in neuroscienze e scienze cognitive e comportamentali...
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