Francisco J. Varela

Francisco J. Varela

Informazioni sull'autore Francisco J. Varela sarà presto aggiunto al sito.
Trovato 7 libri in totale
The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience
This classic book, first published in 1991, was one of the first to propose the...
Sleeping, Dreaming, and Dying: An Exploration of Consciousness
This is an absorbing account of a dialogue between leading Western scientists and the...
The tree of knowledge
"Knowing how we know" is the subject of this book. Its authors present a new view of...
Ethical Know-how
How can science be brought to connect with experience? This book addresses two of the...
Autopoiesi e cognizione
Questo è un libro di biologia che spiega i sistemi viventi come sistemi che si...
Macchine ed esseri viventi
Che cos'è la vita? Cosa caratterizza gli esseri viventi? Cosa li contraddistingue da...
The View from Within
Over the last decade there has been a resurgence of interest in the scientific study...
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